Fiets Clip
Promotional video for bicycle retailer FIETS! Directing & editing: Thomas Vanhaute
16 Feb 2021 in
Libelle Lekker BTS
Behind the scenes video for foodie magazine Libelle Lekker. Camera & Editing by Thomas Vanhaute
14 Nov 2018 in
Libelle Lekker BTS
Behind the scenes video for foodie magazine Libelle Lekker. Filmed and edited by Thomas Vanhaute
03 Sep 2018 in
MAYERLINE campaign
Ambassador-campaign for Belgian Fashion Label MAYERLINE, with actress Gilde de Bal. Photography: Thomas Vanhaute Styling: Julie DHooge MUA: Inge De Vos Video: Thomas Vanhaute, David Vermander, Bram Vaes Video editing: Max De Prins Production: Who Killed Joe?
28 Jul 2014 in
Personal work: Isabelle
Personal work Model: Isabelle @ Dominique models Styling: Julie Dhooge MUA: An Graré Video: Directed & edited by Thomas Vanhaute Music © Rolling Stones/Virgin
16 Jan 2014 in
Isabelle Video
Model: Isabelle @ Dominique Models Styling: Julie D’ Hooghe Hair & Make-up: An Graré Video: Directed & edited by Thomas Vanhaute Music courtesy of Rolling Stones/Virgin
09 Jan 2014 in
Blue Velvet
Model: Isabelle @ Dominique Models Styling: Julie D’ Hooghe Hair & Make-up: An Graré Video: Directed & edited by Thomas Vanhaute
11 Dec 2013 in